Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If WiFi harms trees, what about children?

November 24, 2010.

The debate about WiFi being used in schools continues to escalate as new research from the Netherlands shows that when ash trees are exposed to radiation emitted by WiFi base station antennas, the leaves discolor and gradually die.

The study reported that 70% of all trees in urban areas (but not those in dense forests) show the symptoms, compared to 10% five years ago. Although this is a preliminary study, which has not yet been published, it should be taken seriously.
Wageningen University was commissioned by the municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn to determine if electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers or WiFi masts could play a role in the deteriorating health of the city’s ash trees.

For the experiment, six WiFi access points where erected at various distances from the trees that were continuously exposed for more than three months. The frequency was 2.4 GHz (WiFi) with a power output of 100 mW EIRP, which is the maximum power allowed for use by portable laptop computers. Leaves that were two feet from the WiFI access point developed a metallic luster appearance, a discoloration of the leaves that appeared to result in the disappearance of the outer cell layer of the leaves. The metallic luster was then followed by desiccation and death of a portion of the leaf.

If three months of exposure to WiFi microwaves adversely affects the leaves of trees what is it doing to the growing bodies of children who sit for hours each day in school two feet away from a WiFi enabled laptop computer or a ceiling mounted WiFi access point?

Recent studies show low level Radio Frequency (RF) harm Aspen trees

Aspen decline has been reported in North America over the past half century and rapid mortality of aspen clones has been observed in Colorado since 2004 and has become a major concern for environmentalists, scientists, and foresters.

In one experiment, published February 2010 in The International Journal of Forestry Research, scientists constructed mock-shielded cages and faraday-shielded cages in the forest just outside of Lyons, Colorado. The mock cage shielded aspen seedlings only from direct light – while the faraday cage shielded seedlings from all forms of radio frequency radiation originating from the town of Lyons in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 3 GHz. This includes radio broadcast signals as well as cell phone and WiFi signals.

The researchers discovered that the tree seedlings growing inside the radio frequency-shielded cages were much larger and healthier than those in both the mock-shielded cages and in the unshielded controls.

The authors report that the background levels of radio frequency radiation may be adversely affecting leaf and shoot growth and inhibiting fall production of anthocyanins (these are the pigments associated with leaf senescence in trembling aspen seedlings). These results suggest that exposure to the RF radiation generated by our wireless technology may be an underlying factor in the recent rapid decline of aspen populations.

In the figure above, mock-shielded seedlings on the left and RF-shielded seedlings on the right, the latter showing more total leaf area, stronger fall leaf coloration, and minimal leaf necrosis.

WiFi Smart Meters for “Do It Yourself” home studies

If the electrical utility has recently installed a new wireless Smart Meter on the side of your house, you might be able to do your own plant experiments using simple before and after photography.

Green euonymous plant that shows the progression of vegetative decay around a wireless smart meter. Before the smart meter was installed, vibrant green healthy foliage completely surrounded the meter and a robin nested above the meter. Now, the leaves closest to the meter are damaged and the robin is gone.

WiFi 辐射让树木受损,树叶枯死 恐也危害健康




Friday, November 26, 2010


加拿大安大略省湖岸大學去年一月全面禁用Wi-Fi。該校傳訊處處長Eleanor S. Abaya回覆本刊指,由於有學生及教師反對使用Wi-Fi,校方遂在教學大樓內的智能課室及機械實驗室加裝寬頻線,鼓勵他們改用有線網絡。校長Fred Gilbert認為,有很多文獻指電磁波可能導致血癌及腦瘤,不希望學生及教師的健康受威脅。







10,000微瓦升1度 影響微














業界為主 政府為輔




官商唱好 用量成疑





Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says

Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says

City trees are becoming sick from wireless radiation from local area networks and mobile phones, according to a European study.

By René Schoemaker , IDG News Nov 20, 2010 5:09 am

Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands.Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands.

All deciduous trees in the Western world are affected, according to the study by Wageningen University. The city of Alphen aan den Rijn ordered the study five years ago after officials found unexplained abnormalities on trees that couldn't be ascribed to a virus or bacterial infection.

Additional testing found the disease to occur throughout the Western world. In the Netherlands, about 70 percent of all trees in urban areas show the same symptoms, compared with only 10 percent five years ago. Trees in densely forested areas are hardly affected.

Besides the electromagnetic fields created by mobile-phone networks and wireless LANs, ultrafine particles emitted by cars and trucks may also be to blame. These particles are so small they are able to enter the organisms.

The study exposed 20 ash trees to various radiation sources for a period of three months. Trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi radio demonstrated a "lead-like shine" on their leaves that was caused by the dying of the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves. This would eventually result in the death of parts of the leaves. The study also found that Wi-Fi radiation could inhibit the growth of corn cobs.

The researchers urged that further studies were needed to confirm the current results and determine long-term effects of wireless radiation on trees.

Friday, November 5, 2010


作者 愚公移山

國際著名的環境健康學者蕾薇施博士(Dr Devra Lee Davis)兩個月前出了一本名為《拆線》(Disconnect),講述手提電話對人體健康影響的著作。







一再延長非法電訊塔寬限期的檳州政府,這一次會總結火箭從在野到在朝對電訊塔和電磁波輻射的經驗,提呈解決方案給當局嗎? 還是會繼續縱容它的蜀中大將放話用煽動法令來抓反電訊塔的人士?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

And Now … Tinnitus

June 30

Users of cell phones have another reason to be cautious. An Austrian team has found that the risk of developing tinnitus, a ringing in the ears, doubled after four years. This is one of the first epidemiological studies to investigate the long-term effects of mobile phones on hearing.

Hans-Peter Hutter of the Institute of Environmental Health at the Medical University of Vienna, and coworkers report that the observed association is "unlikely" to be spurious and could have important implications for public health. Their new epidemiological study, based on 100 cases and 100 controls, will appear in an upcoming issue of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

The "possible association of mobile phone use and tinnitus is plausible," according to Hutter, "because the cochlea [the inner ear] and the auditory pathway are located in an anatomical region where a considerable amount of the power emitted by mobile phones is absorbed." The risk of tinnitus was greatest on the side of the head the phone was used. The doubling of the incidence after long-term use is of borderline statistical significance. Hutter also raises the possibility that other factors may be responsible: For instance, blood flow near the ear could be affected when the user is in a constrained posture while on the phone.

Two large European research projects, GUARD and EMFnEAR, have investigated the possible impact of cell phones on human hearing. But both have focused on short-term exposures —mostly for just 10 or 20 minutes— and have generally found no effects (see, for example, a recent paper in Radiation Research.) These two projects cost a total of $3-4 million.

Michael Kundi, the head of the Vienna institute and a coauthor of the new study, told Microwave News that more studies of long-term exposures and hearing are needed. "It is complete nonsense to look for short-term effects," he said. Kundi explained that the lack of studies on prolonged use of cell phones is not surprising, given the official view that microwaves can only cause heating. "If the position is that thermal effects are all that count, there cannot be long-term effects," he said.

A 2007 study of students in the U.K. found no increase in tinnitus or adverse effects on hearing and balance. Tinnitus is more common among older people.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dect Phones and Microwave Radiation on the Electrosensitive

magdahavas — March 23, 2010 — Study shows, unequivocally, that microwave radiation from a cordless DECT phone immediately affects the heart causing arrhythmia and tachycardia (irregular and rapid heart rate) at non-thermal levels well below federal guidelines.

WiFi in schools and health effects of microwave radiation

magdahavas — April 27, 2010 — In this video, Trent University professor Dr. Magda Havas and Dr. Fred Gilbert from Lakehead University explain why wireless technologies known as WiFi should not be used in schools because of the known health effects from microwave radiation. Testimonials are also provided by the students of Mountain View School who feel that their ill health could be directly related to microwave radiation emitted by the wireless internet transmission towers that have been installed inside the school.

WiFi concerns at Mountain View School in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

WiFi concerns at Mountain View School in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada" was written on the June 13, 2010 at 5:40 pm on "EMFacts Consultancy".

From Magda Havas:

For distribution:

Hello Everyone,

As some of you already know, there are several students in Mountain
View School in Collingwood, Ontario (Canada) who are complaining about
ill health after the school installed WiFi. Rodney, a concerned
father, invited me to give a talk in the Community this past week and
the room was packed with parents, health care professionals, people
from the community, and the media so I hope it will generate more
interest once the articles begin to appear.

See video clip of interviews with some of the students at the school. feature=player_embedded

See video documenting tachycardia in adults during provocation with a
cordless (DECT) phone.

What is disturbing is that several students have complained about ill
health, two students are now on heart medication and one young girl is
scheduled for heart surgery on Monday June 14th. A student in a
Toronto school (also with WiFi) fainted while standing in the hallway
near a WiFi antenna. The students with heart conditions have been
diagnosed with one of the following: vaso vagal syndrome,
supraventicular tachycardia (SVT), or Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
Syndrome (abnormal connections or accessory pathways in the heart) a
form of atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (AVRT).

Symptoms for SVT include: dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain,
a pounding sensation in the throat or neck, weakness, fatigue,
lightheadedness, fainting (especially in the case of underlying heart
disease) and resemble EHS symptoms.

Prevelance rate for tachycardia is about 1.6% to 2% for adults.
Prevelance for WPW is 0.15% in children. See: Epidemiology of
Arrhythmias in Children, by R Prem Sekar. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol
J. 2008 Apr–Jun; 8(Suppl. 1): S8–S13.

I recently heard that all the schools in my district (Kawartha Pine
Ridge) are going to have WiFi installed soon. Where are these schools
getting information that this technology is safe? I find this
situation most disturbing.
If these heart conditions are related to
WiFi then I think the schools and those who make the statement that
this radiation is safe (Health Canada and local Health Boards) are

Have received emails from several of the people who attended the
presentation this past week and learned that some parents are also
having heart palpitations and rapid heart rate because of WiFi in the
home. They didn't know this was contributing to their heart problems
and have, since the talk, disconnected their wireless devices.

Why are doctors not better informed? Anyone who suddenly experiences
a heart irregularity should be asked some specific questions about
whether or not they have wireless routers, cordless phones, energy
efficient CFL bulbs, nearby cell towers, etc. as routine questioning.

The heart problem (arrhythmia or tachycardia), which can be easily
measured, may be a very important test for those who are EHS. Please
spread the word and ask your friends if they experience symptoms of an
irregular or racing heart and if they do ask them when it started,
what changed at that time, if it is occassional-when they experience
it and what they are doing about it. The more information we can
gather the more impact it is going to have on school boards. Getting
rid of WiFi is more difficult than preventing it from being allowed
into a school in the first place.

Please distribute this email to your friends and let's get a better
understanding as to how widespread this heart problem is and the
degree to which it relates to wireless technology and electrosmog

Thanks for your help,

p.s. If you or someone you know is experiencing heart problems, which
may be related to electrosmog, please contact me with your symptoms
and your experience and send a copy to:

Monday, June 14, 2010

International EMF Conference 2009 Stavanger Norway PhD Henry Lai

This video is for educational purpose. The video is taken from the International EMF Conference 17th of November 2009 in Stavanger, Norway. Speaker in this video is PhD Henry Lai (USA). The conference was held at Clarion Hotel with several international speakers talking in the subject of EMF-Electromagnetic Fields and radiation. The exposure to electromagnetic radiation has been documented to have major biological effects on living tissue. The exponential increase in the use of wireless technologies will most likely present serious, global public health consequences in the near future. Despite mounting evidence of severe health effects, the scientific facts are generally ignored by most governments. For pure commercial reasons, the Telecom industry continues to refer to outdated and irrelevant safety standards, blissfully endorsed by their respective regulators.

International EMF Conference 2009 Stavanger Norway PhD Devra Lee Davis

Thursday, June 10, 2010


無線上網安全問題-探討電子書包政策 「電子書包」安全嗎?

取自 台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會




台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會陳椒華理事長表示,德國教師團體因無線上網存在電磁波安全疑慮,要求德國學校不要使用無線上網,法國、加拿大、英美等許多學校已全面拆除無線上網IP, 另外,「電子書包」價格昂貴,長期使用學生視力會變差,而且也會使負擔不起的學生產生自卑感,並也易拉大城鄉差距,故未釐清相關疑慮前,不宜由教育部鼓勵推動或擴大補助範圍。


★★★★★ 安全性:使用無線上網之電磁輻射問題,如何防範
★★ 價格:部份學生買不起,易讓買不起學生產生自卑感
★★ 書寫問題:使用電腦越多、越來越多小學生不願寫字、不會寫字
★★ 視力問題、沉溺問題

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

槟城医生涂仲仪的忠告!Advice of a Penang Medical Doctor!

1. medical and scientific evidences of electromagnetic radiation are plenty out there,

2. for those who are very critical and sceptical about the potential adverse health effects from electromagnetic radiation, i humbly recommend them to look into the website of International Commission of Electromagnetic Safety(

3. for those who claim until today, the modern medical world is still has not concluded the risk of electromagnetic radiation, perhaps it is crucial to get to know at least Prof Dr Henry Lai of USA, Dr Carlos Sosa, 雷久南博士 pertaining to the studies thy published,

4. for those who look into the above mentioned 3 points, then only it is not difficult to understand why WHO keeps on delaying the results of Interphone Study.

5. for those who understand the history of medical profession getting the world to accept and acknowledge the risk of cigarette smoking and the history of occurrence of Manimata Disease in Japan, it is not so difficult to realize why Electromagnetic Radiation is still considered safe by certain segments of professionals and industrial players.... See More

6. again, i would like to humbly share with you that as far as i know, there isn`t a group which is anti Wifi, but instead there is a group called Electromagneic radiation awareness alliance with the main concern of bringing awareness to the public pertaining to this issue as well as the practical ways to minimize the risk and exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

7. i am keen to interact with those who concern about this issue and keen to learn more for my own knowledge.

Sun at 3:47pm

Friday, April 2, 2010

雷久南博士 关爱生命 远离电磁波


二零零九年十月二十五日 下午十二时三十一分












人为因素如化肥、杀草剂、杀虫剂、水源污染等,已经造成我们的粮食充满不良的因子。雷博士的一篇文章就提到,第一次世界大战期间,英国为了提高粮食生产量,大量生产生长剂,配合化肥施进农地。人类智慧学创始人史丹勒(Rudolf Steiner)博士当时曾说,吃此粮食的人短期看不出有什么不好,但他们的下一代神经系统会变衰弱,他多次强调农业上的问题经常在第二、三代才出现,但那时并不知问题的根源。





我们很难透过身体感官,去感觉电磁波的存在,什么是电磁波? 电磁场是以“波”的形式产生辐射,它存在于我们周遭,电脑、手机、无线网络等等,都释放大量的电磁波,但是由于人们看不到一个实体,很多人对于电磁波是不是真的对健康有害,一直存有怀疑,甚至不愿相信电磁波会对人体造成伤害。













